@InProceedings{gp-benchmarks-2012, author = {James McDermott and David R. White and Sean Luke and Luca Manzoni and Mauro Castelli and Leonardo Vanneschi and Wojciech Ja\'skowski and Krzysztof Krawiec and Robin Harper and Kenneth De Jong and Una-May O'Reilly}, title = {Genetic Programming needs better benchmarks}, booktitle={Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference}, pages={791--798}, year = {2012}, address = {Philadelphia}, publisher = {ACM} } @Article{gp-benchmarks-2013, author = {David R.~White and James McDermott and Mauro Castelli and Luca Manzoni and Brian W.~Goldman and Gabriel Kronberger and Wojciech Ja{\'s}kowski and Una-May O'Reilly and Sean Luke}, title = {Better GP Benchmarks: Community Survey Results and Proposals}, journal = {Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines}, year = {2013}, Volume= {14}, Issue={1}, pages={3--29}, doi = {10.1007/s10710-012-9177-2}, abstract = {We present the results of a community survey regarding genetic programming (GP) benchmark practices. Analysis shows broad consensus that improvement is needed in problem selection and experimental rigor. While views expressed in the survey dissuade us from proposing a large-scale benchmark suite, we find community support for creating a ``blacklist'' of problems which are in common use but have important flaws, and whose use should therefore be discouraged. We propose a set of possible replacement problems.} }